The Authenticity Institute, Inc.
The Authenticity Institute is a business incubator - an authenticity business incubator. Those businesses and organizations constitute the Authenticity Alliance - enterprises built upon a fundamentally new set of assumptions that are the foundation of their mission: to solve security and privacy challenges – the effects of inauthenticity – in their target markets through the use of the Authenticity Infrastructure.
The institute’s Authenticity Infrastructure platform and support services provide what Authenticity Enterprises need to solve security and privacy challenges in their target markets.

Match Entrepreneurs with resources
The mission of Authenticity Capital is to help qualify prospective licensees - entrepreneurs - of The Authenticity Institute and to match them with investors and board members.Authenticity Capital is itself an Authenticity Enterprise

Vision and support for the Enterprises
Member companies of the Alliance are able to build upon enrollment services, public key certification services and other capabilities to ensure that the identities of individuals are sufficiently reliable for the purposes of the parties that rely upon them.

Business services for Entrepreneurs
From incorporation to accounting services, tax filings, administrative support and more are available from the “Authenticity Factory.” The Entrepreneur’s job is to market the benefits of Authenticity solution to their audience - and to leave basic business chores to us.
The Authenticity Team
The mission of The Authenticity Institute and Authenticity Capital is to incubate enterprises that are built upon, and which help to deploy, the Authenticity Infrastructure. Necessarily that means we not only wear many hats, but we change hats frequently. Partly for that reason, and partly because it reflects our view of what's needed to prevail in the age of agile, flattened organizations, each of us carries the same title: Entrepreneur.
See the list of our core service providers, community enterprises, solutions enterprises and placeware enterprises.
The greatest inflection points happen when an entrepreneur offers what people want but didn't know they could have. Authenticity is an eminently producible product that is desperately needed.
Learn about the authenticity enterprises and how they bought Authenticity to their chosen markets and audiences, built upon the acclaimed Quiet Enjoyment Infrastructure tools from The Authenticity Institute.